Holy Mums!

Today was a blustery day. And we were out in it.

A.E. began her day at MMO, while H.J. and I went with a friend and her sweet son, Shepherd to the Farmer's Market. Today's goal was: mums and nuts. Stacy is getting ready for Shepherd's 1st Birthday Party, and I'm sure you'll be able to check out all her crafty and delicious ideas HERE next week. She even has a SNEAK PEEK of the day's fun up already.

Anyway, she wanted three mums, and I wanted one. We went in search of a buy-3-get-1-free deal, but we just found HUGE mums that would cost $20 at Publix for $8 each. Good deal.

I also found my nuts I've been wanting. I wanted walnuts and brazil nuts IN THE SHELL for a little decoration project I've been thinking about in my book of dreams. It's really just a 3-ring binder, but I DO have page protectors. Leftovers from my days as a high school teacher.

Stacy, Shepherd, H.J. and I ate a fabulous lunch at Five Guys. Yum. Yum. Yum. Yum. Yum.

POTTY UPDATE: A.E. did two pee-pees and one poopie in the potty yesterday. She earned the Sleeping Beauty doll she has been coveting on those daRn commercials. See below:

The dress lights up if you push the trinket on her necklace or if you slide any of the three fairies, Flora, Fauna, or Merriweather onto Aurora's hand. Each fairy turns her dress a different color. I find it odd that she actually has three/four names: Aurora-her birth name- which means "Dawn", Briar Rose- her secret identity whilst hidden in the woods with the three fairies-, and Sleeping Beauty- the title of the story. Hard to explain to a three-year-old.

Tomorrow I hope to show you the beautiful pictures Stacy took on our trip to the Farmer's Market. A-HEM. Phriday Photos. A-HEM. (Did you hear that, Stacy?) H.J. and Shep made quite a few print-worthy shots!


Unknown said...

Today was so much fun! I emailed you all 40 pictures and tried not to be too greedy on my blog. Thanks again!

Anonymous said...

Hahahaha...I love Ansley's pic:) Congrats on the potty triumph!