I'm About to Go All Sally Struthers on Y'ALL!

A little voice inside me keeps saying, "What can you do? YOU? You are not going to make a difference. No one will listen. No one will respond. YOU, Carey, are ineffectual. You won't follow through. You won't make any difference at all."

I'm fighting against that voice. It's not from me. And I WON'T BE THE ONE TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

He will.

Psalm 9:18
But God will never forget the needy; the hope of the afflicted will never perish.

Micah 7:7
But as for me, I watch in hope for the LORD, I wait for God my Savior; my God will hear me.

Philippians 4:19
And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.

Now as I said yesterday, here's what you can do. Here are all 42 of the children ready and waiting to have their most basic needs met.

They are waiting for food.

They are waiting for shelter.

They are waiting an education.

They are waiting for you.

I have three specific young ladies who need your help.

Bernadette Brevil, fifth grader and 10 years-old, her parents could not care for her or her sister

Jean Modline, fifth grader and 11 years-old, sister to Bernadette and their parents could not care for them

Fransoise Blanc, fifth grader and just turned 14 years-old, her father is deceased and her mother could not care for her

A $34 monthly support fora child provides basic needs including:

1. Food. Currently at Fond Blanc Orphanage children eat when there’s food available and food is available when there’s money to buy it. On a good day all the kids get one meal a day.

2. Clothes. Most of the children have one outfit and a school uniform if they’re lucky. At Fond Blanc Orphanage Pastor Jean Claude and the caregivers teach the children respect for each other and themselves. Even if they only have one outfit they have they make sure it’s washed for the day.

3. School needs. Whether it’s a school fee, uniform, or notebook and pens, a monthly sponsorship will help with these costs.

You might be reading this and feel that a monthly check is too much of a commitment for you, but sending a one time donation is. Or maybe just following our blog Fondly Blanc and praying for the children and Pastor Jean Claude and the rest of the staff in Fond Blanc is right for you.

NOTE: If you are interested in supporting one (or two or three!) children at Fond Blanc orphanage, comment below and I will send you an e-mail regarding your next steps in sponsorship. Or you can email me at Carey{dot}Phillips@gmail{dot}com and we can talk about how you can help.

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