His Manhood

This week, for Wednesday's Word, Stormie liked to talk to us about our husband's manhood.

 {Insert uncomfortable silence as each of my family members gets really uncomfortable. Hi, Dad! Hi, Nana, Papa, Uncles C and J! No really, keep reading. It's OK.}


So the devil seeks to steal, kill and destroy what is good in our lives, while God wants to give us an abundant life. Satan wants to steal our soul, happiness and relationships.  He wants to kill our joy, peace, hopes and ultimately our life. He wants to destroy all of the above as well as our marriage and our witness for Christ.

Meanwhile, God seeks to give us an abundant life. He doesn't just want to give us a physical life, but also He wishes to impart to us a total life: physically, spiritually and emotionally. He wants to bless us with the fruits of the spirit.

If we are living with a negative attitude, we are blocking those blessings not just for ourselves, but also for our spouse.  This point brought me to my knees with regret and repentance. If I don't choose to live life with a more positive spirit, what good am I to myself, my husband or my children, let alone to God? 

We are stealing time from God when we choose to live with a selfishly negative attitude. We are giving free reign to the evil one who seeks to destroy us. We are handing over ourselves and the ones we love to that thief who will just move on to the next victim once he has sucked all he can from us. I'm stealing time from God, when He calls me to praise Him, to extol Him, to boast in Him, to rejoice for Him, to glorify Him and to exalt Him AT ALL TIMES!

So this attitude I have, will I change it?  Will I choose to make it a priority? Will I wake and get my attitude right with God before I speak to anyone, before my feet hit the floor, before the shower goes on, before I look in the mirror? 

Because it's the hardest for me to do, changing my attitude has been a slow step for me. I like to think I'm changing, but sometimes I wonder. Sometimes I feel I am moving at a glacial pace. Every once in a while, I recognize a move in the right direction. Are you going there, too?

So, on to his manhood.  As wives, we have to make IT a priority. It is crucial because God made us that way. God made the husband to want it, and He made the wife to be able to fulfill that want. It is the wife's ability, duty, privilege to comfort and complete her husband.  

There are four things God wants sex (that's me whispering! can you hear it?) to do for your marriage:
  1. reaffirm your oneness
  2. establish closeness
  3. rekindle your relationship/passion
  4. protect your marriage
Stormie warns us to pray for your love life BEFORE you HAVE TO!

We are also called to pray for his temptations.  The question is not will he be tempted, but how will he respond to temptation?  We are assaulted every day with temptations. Everyday. Everywhere. By everything. My greatest temptation is to spend more money than The Daddy earns.  My other greatest temptation is food. 

Wives are tempted, and we need prayer as well. Stormie reminds us to pray all these things for ourselves as well as our husbands.  You as a wife are keenly aware of what your husband's temptations are.  We must be warriors to pray diligently for him to be strong, courageous and full of integrity.

Our husband will be awarded a crown of life when he is able to resist temptation. God is faithful. He responds to prayer.  He will give you, me, your spouse a way out of any situation. He wants us to succeed. He wants us to be faithful. He seeks to fulfill us. Is your attitude going to allow you hear Him?  Is your attitude going to allow you to receive His blessings?

With God, there is a happy ending. 

And with the right attitude, my happy ending is in sight.


Lori said...

Well one Phillips Mama... and you only mentioned S*X once :o) I think ... seriously, I love reading your updates, there's so much that I miss and you capture. Thank you!

Lori said...

or well DONE!! if you speak in the English language...