While we've been visiting Poppy, we've been to the pool and the beach, but tonight we went to the mall for "family night". Chick-fil-A gives away free kid's meals with the purchase of any combo, so I got my #1 and the girls got their chicken nuggets. While there we also partook in the FREE CAROUSEL RIDES normally $3 a pop.
We went round and round. For FIVE rides. Dizzy anyone?
So math majors: how much money did we save tonight?
way to score the deals. i heart chick-fil-a!
Thank you so much for stopping by my websites:) You have a cute family!
Well the carousel was $3 X 5 rides = $15 X 2 kids = $30 savings on the carousel rides.
The Chick-fil-A chicken nuggets cost roughly $4
If you only got one free kids meal you saved around $34 if you got 2 free kids meals you saved $38!! Whoot Whoot...........
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