I Am Committed...Should Be Committed!

Day 5: Find a Local Church's Living Nativity

Last year we ate Mexican food then traveled to Bethlehem. This year we ate Mexican food then traveled to Bethlehem, but the doors were closed. They weren't scheduled to open up the town until tonight. So this post is up, and I'm tired!

It snowed here in Georgia this morning. Flurries, but we Southerners count that as SNOWING! So we bundled up the whole crew:

Told the sisters to act like they loved one another:

Don't you think they did a good job?

Here are the city gates to Bethlehem:

This church goes the extra mile with this community outreach every year.

Torches light the evening sky.

The city is full of vendors:

The musicians let the girls try several on for size.

The bakery has bread samples.

The blacksmith is working hard.

This picture CRACKS ME UP!

Nana says, "Ewwwww."
AE is running away saying, "Yuck."
HJ is taking a big whiff of the salted fish.

Here come the Roman soldiers, inquiring of all, "Have you paid your taxes?"

This girl gets her hair braided.

And after you signed the census, you stumbled upon this barnyard scene:

When I first went to take the picture, I said, "Oh, I don't want the flash to hurt the baby's eyes!"

Does that baby look real to you? Everyone around had a good laugh on me!

In my defense, last year they used a real, live baby. This year they didn't have one young enough in the congregation.

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