Just Call Me Mary Poppins

For Christmas, The Daddy bought the girls a super kite. Thankfully, it was easy to put together.

After watching Mary Poppins last week, one blustery afternoon I decided to make the short trek to the front of our little neighborhood park to give the flightless kite its first trip up into the atmosphere.

First thing AE does is take off running!

The little park is a big grassy area with a winding sidewalk encircling it. I can imagine teaching the girls to ride bikes there.

Also at the front of the park is a fountain, which HJ was drawn to immediately.

So then we got down to the business of setting the kite to flight.

And fly she did.

Both girls took turns, but ONE girl let go of the kite and it sailed up, up, up into a live oak. We retrieved it, and SHE lost interest.

But AE could have stood there all day holding on.

And SOMEONE else was ready to leave!

Tip for Mom: No matter what a pain it might be, any outing will undoubtably last only 20-30 minutes. JUST DO IT and take pictures!

(it will be over in a short blink of an eye!)

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