SJ got to make his first visit to the Magic Kingdom while Nana and Papa came to visit.
He spent most of that visit here:

The girls both got to ride "Thunder Mountain"!
I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE her expression, gazing up at Woody!
This one is priceless!
Can you hear the theme song of Wonder Woman playing? Not quite...
As SJ has so many of his "firsts" right now, we've been dealing with the ugly side of reflux, sleep deprivation and getting used to life with three. We try and keep reminding ourselves that THIS IS THE LAST TIME WE'LL HAVE A NEWBORN.
Is he really still a newborn?
No. He's eleven weeks.
And it's the last time we'll have an eleven-week-old baby.
I'm not sure if I've commented before, but I absolutely love your blog! I just had to say that the first picture with baby SJ in the mouse ears, and the picture of your girls with Woody and Jessie are so great! Have a wonderful weekend!
So much fun. The baby looks so much like AE!
LOVE the photos!! How precious!!
Some days I can't find my go-go boots and cape, but thankfully, I can still solve our little world's "problems."
I'm still trying to figure out how to take 3 to the grocery store and still get groceries into the cart. I'm thinking the double seater at Publix with the baby in the baby bjorn (like your pic above with the stroller) might work but I'm too scared to try it! I am afraid baby might have a complete meltdown. I asked a wise older mother (who now has three adult childrent) how to take 3 to the grocery store and her response was "don't". That was not too encouraging!!
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