Le Tour de iphone

The recent birthday girl in our downtown rose garden after a picnic in the park

The girls in front of the Christmas tree in our little downtown park

Sisters in the rose garden on HJ's birthday; we MAY have smelled every flower in the garden!

The older sister trying on the recent birthday girl's birthday present

We had a couple of brown patches in the front yard, so I set up the sprinkler to let the girls play and water the grass at the same time.

What does little brother do while the girls play in the sprinkler?

He jumps in the jumparoo and hangs out on a blanket with me.

Oui. Oui.

One night I heard a lot of noise in the girls' room. I heard the opening and closing of the closet doors. Later we went in to check and see what was going on. I turned on the lights to take the picture of this scene:

Each girl had moved her "little sister" and bed right next to her bed.

And baby had been tucked in, too.

SJ just had his first grocery shopping cart experience out of the baby carrier.

Easter slip and slide fun:

Our final Easter egg masterpieces:

Yesterday, the girls reenacted several scenes from a current favorite movie of theirs:

Can you name it?


Kari Beth said...

what did we ever do before iphones!? great pics :)...beautiful family!

Janelle said...

your header photo is GORGEOUS! so sweet. :)