Everyone Needs...

So in the past few weeks God has been teaching me to be content with what I have and with whatever comes my way. I've been home bound with the girls some, so I've had a lot of time with them. I've also had a lot of time to stand in my dining room contemplating fabric swatches, plates, iron thingies to hang on the wall, etc. Hmmmm. Am I content?

I was pretty bummed that I missed Bible study two weeks in a row, it's no secret. When someone in your house has a fever and barfs, I guess it's time to stay home. But then when someone continues to have a fever and misses MMO the next day, it's trying. Again, I was pretty bummed that HJ and I didn't get to go to the Silver Comet Trail to test out the jogging stroller I borrowed. But now everyone is well. Am I content?

I'm only 3 and 1/2 years into this motherhood thing, but I feel like I'm just now learning how to give up "stuff" for the sake of others. My "stuff" ranges from the simple to the divine:
  • completing a task in one sitting (LAUNDRY, oh my word, THE LAUNDRY)
  • drinking an entire cup of coffee or hot tea before it gets cold
  • taking showers on a regular basis (working on it, really)
  • shaving my legs when I do get a shower
  • window shopping
  • eating junk without the zombies coming after my goods
  • eating junk whenever I want (now I just sneak it while hiding in the pantry)
You know how if you pray for patience, you'll be given OPPORTUNITIES TO EXHIBIT PATIENCE? I've been praying for compassion. Not for me, but to be able to show it.  The Daddy broke his thumb playing flag football, and I've not been sympathetic. The Daddy was sick earlier this month, and I've not been sympathetic. AE has been sick for a few days this month. I've been praying for the spirit to overtake me and act on my behalf, but I'm learning that it doesn't work that way. I have to take action and use prayer as a power source NOT to do what I cannot, but to CHANGE how I react. Somehow I'm thinking that my ability to show compassion is linked to my feeling content. Am I content?

So, when I was looking for something on COMPASSION, I finally turned to a place that's bound to have some true answers. Here's what I found:

As I ask for compassion, I am learning to give compassion and recognize it in my own life. You know, like the compassion that others and God have shown me.

Now I need to look up contentment...


Kwana said...

What a wonderful post and so many things to think about and pray for. I've been at the mommy game for 15 years now. Married for almost 20 and all your prayers all still constant ones of mine. It's just being human and things that keep up growing and maturing. At least if were doing it right and we're not always doing it right. LOL.

Your family is so beautiful! Thanks for stopping by my blog today.

pve design said...

Oh how this speaks to me. One of the best bits of advice I can give is to have your dinner started early and also wake up early to have the cup or tea alone, in the quiet. Our goal as mom's is to never do what our children can do for themselves. I do hope that your family is all well and that you have a chance to find a bit of contentment in knowing that you are loved.

I think Mothering is one of the most challenging jobs in the world. The rewards are great! They do come in time.
Hope that this comment finds you with a joyful heart.

Lori said...

You cannot imagine how much all of this has also been on my mind and heart... I've been struggling.. def struggling... thank you for speaking to me and for the passage, I needed that one... and let me know if you figure out the patience part of the equation... it's def a learning process but wouldn't give it up for the world!