Running, Garage Sales, Nashville and a LC Boil

If you're here visiting from Rhoda's, welcome! We're sharing all our thrifty finds from the weekend.

So, I had a good weekend in my hometown of Nashville. Running through Crieve Hall, I gladly stopped for a rest and perused a few sales. One I JUST HAD to go back and pick up a few things for the girls' dress up closet. ~Never mind the crazy lady in the hat and glasses.~  I got three hats and a cool pair of shades for $2. The third hat is not pictured. 

I just didn't look as cool in a blue felt fedora. 

These hats make me think of dressing up in my mom's old bridesmaid dresses complete with "head pieces".  Love it!

Check back tomorrow for pictures from the Low Country Boil. We enjoyed our "high living in the low country!" I was in charge of desserts, flowers and music, but the star of the show was the shrimp. The glorious shrimp!


Lindy said...

I love shrimp! I am glad you had fun!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Now those are some mighty funky shades. Glad you had some fun out there thrifting & thanks for joining the party.

Joan@anythinggoeshere said...

Look at that great looking lady in the hat!!!!! Happy Thrifty Monday.